International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day ladies!

To celebrate this great day, I’ve put together a few of my favourite quotes and meme’s about us women. We’re pretty great really, and sometimes we don’t get enough credit for being so.

This morning in work we gave all the ladies a single white rose each to represent friendship, women standing together with women, having each others backs and being a forces to be reckoned with. It’s all about empowering and respecting each other today and I love that. We shouldn’t need a ‘day’ to do it, I would hope we all do it as much as we can everyday, but it’s nice all the same having a dedicated day to take stock and recognise.

Tonight my Mum and I are going for a bit of pampering, what better way to enjoy the day. How will you be marking the day?

Whatever your plans, let’s all celebrate each other today, and acknowledge how great we are! 🙂

Sorcha x

2 thoughts on “International Women’s Day

  1. Girl power!! 😉 I agree with you, we should empower each other and not bring ourselves down like so many women seem to be still doing… Hope you had a nice time with your mom!

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